To Live Long and Prosper! By Christian Comedian, Gordon Douglas

Gordon at NHFA Note from Kim: Gordon Douglas is truly a man of integrity. He is funny and could have chosen the world of secular comedy, but instead chose  to follow Jesus, refusing to include inappropriate content that would not honor his Lord. He has sacrificed much financially, but he has gained eternal riches, “for what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul?” Gordon is a pastor, Christian comedian, faithful husband and father, and a true friend. Joe and I are honored to know Gordon and his wife, Dawn, having had them in our home and knowing they are the real deal! Gordon has been the featured guest speaker for two church-wide events at Lakes Chapel, and our church family loves him! Don’t miss the link to his website and the YouTube video clip at the end of this article.

To Live Long and Prosper

by Gordon Douglas

My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your hear, for they will prolong your life many years, and bring you prosperity. Let Love and faithfulness never leave you:  bind them around your neck, write them down on your heart. THEN you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. – Proverbs 3: 1-4

One thing I never asked my dad was WHY ?  When he told us to do something instant obedience was expected, even demanded.  If we ever got the courage to challenge an instruction,  and the boldness to ask that dreaded one word question of WHY?  It was met with 4 simple powerful words..  BECAUSE I SAID SO !   There was never any reason for the rule.  There was never an explanation of motive or results that would add incentive for obedience.  It was blind faith or fear.   One of my favorite speakers is Josh McDowell, who said “Rules without Relationship, leads to Rebellion”.  We need rules, boundaries, and obedience, but without the right relationship it can lead to ruin, not reward.

One thing that stands out for me in the collection of wisdom stored in Proverbs is that the instruction for “action” is preceded by “affection” and followed by “awards” ( or rewards) but I like alliteration.  Notice how many times the father begins with the tender words “My Son” .  In a world that disparages men, and fatherhood, more and more we find the deep longing of every child for a fathers love and approval.  Just repeating that phrase- “MY SON”  strikes and emotional chord in my heart. There is a reason that this phrase is repeated over and over in the book of Proverbs. A fun easy study is to go through and circle each time the phase “MY SON” is used, and see what follows the phrase.

The “action step” is in verse 3  follows.  In our text it is not the manly macho stuff you’d expect a father to tell his son to toughen him up.  To let “love and faithfulness” never leave you.    Wow.  Of all the qualities to strive for, of all the duties of man to work on. He focuses on love, and faithfulness.  These are two words that poetics, singers, and writers have expounded upon for centuries.  Interesting that they are paired together.  We live in a society where “love abounds”, until the first sign of trouble, when people bail out and move on to the next person.  Love is lifted up, while Faithfulness is left behind.

dr spockThe “award” or rewards are mentioned.  As I often say in my comedy show when teaching or preaching on parenting. There should be a “reason for the rule.”     In verse 2 , the father mentions  long life and prosperity as the outcome of keeping these commands in our heart.  That is pretty good motivation, who doesn’t want that ?   The fruit of the challenge on love and faithfulness in verse 3, is found in verse 4.  “Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man”.  To live long and prosper as Star Trek fans know , are two really good things.  What could be better than that ?  How about to being in favor, experiencing the best that a relation can offer.  Not just with man, but with God too !

Luke 2: 42 tells us that Jesus modeled this passage and the prize.  He grew in wisdom, and stature, and in favor with God and man.  In Jesus we find the love that we seek,  and the relationship that we need.  Faithfulness coupled with love is shown in the life, and death of Jesus.  When you know Him, as your Lord and Savior, you can hear the Father’s voice calling out to you. “MY SON-  MY DAUGHTER”.

Gordon promo 1Learning from his comedy heroes Bill Cosby and Red Skelton- Gordon’s comedy mixes real life stories with “off the wall” physical comedy and his own hilarious view of life. You will relate to his side splitting stories from his life- like dropping the sermon notes into the grave at his first funeral, or his demonstration of changing his first diaper, to his now famous “pantyhose dance” that has folks rolling in the aisles. He helps us see the funny things all around us and find joy no matter what we are going through. But he is more than funny ! With genuine humility, honesty, and passion Gordon often weaves life lessons into his programs of the things he’s learned in the ordinary and often painful events in his life that include some tragic deaths, his wife’s victorious battle with cancer, and his dads many years confined to a wheelchair. His unique home includes 5 children of their own, two prisoners under house arrest, a Downs-syndrome brother in law, several missionaries, and a few other boys they took in. This provides Gordon with hours of comedy material and inspiration for living life to the fullest. Visit to learn more, purchase his videos, or schedule Gordon for your event.


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