Author: Kim Olachea
It’s ALL Good…
It Was Not A Good Weekend!
Speaking into the Tragedy

Opinions abound about WHY the horrific tragedy in South FL occurred. We are bombarded on social media with explanations on how to fix the problem. More gun control laws, armed security in every school, bringing back moral instruction, allowing Bible reading in schools…some folks blame it on the media, others…
“NO” New Year’s Resolutions in 2018
Peace for God’s People
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you. 7 Peace be within your walls, Prosperity within your palaces.”
The Lord Surrounds His People
Trust in the Lord
HOPE for Him!

Disappointed? Let down? Shattered expectations? Brokenhearted? There is HOPE! Messiah didn’t come the first time as His people expected… Israel wanted a King. They expected deliverance. But it didn’t happen that way – and the people were disappointed, because they missed this part of the prophecy. “With a rod they…