Speak Up! Judge Fairly! by Robert Bowman, Esquire

A Note From Kim about Robert Bowman, Esquire at the Law Offices of Schroll and Bowman:

People arobert and sue bowmanre often wary of lawyers assuming them to be dishonest or greedy, but I know at least one lawyer who is truly a man of integrity. I met Robert Bowman about ten years ago when I was teaching at Kings Christian School in Cherry Hill, NJ. Besides having each of his three children in at least one of  my computer classes at the school, I got to know his wife, Susan, who taught with me at Kings. In addition, she was my youngest son’s junior high English teacher. During that time, Robert and his partner, Bryan Schroll, opened the Law Offices of Schroll and Bowman in Voorhees, NJ – their slogan, “A full service firm practicing law from a Christian perspective.” Little did I know that a couple of years later, I would be starting Online Bookkeeping Solutions, and Robert would become my attorney. Robert’s help in wthe formation of my business and walking me through some challenges over the years has proved to be invaluable. This year Robert has been a great support in the birth of my new ministry, ProverbWise. Because of his strong faith and understanding of ministry, he understands my priorities and passion regarding the ministry of ProverbWise, but also the economic needs to make the ministry sustainable. I am so thankful for his counsel, and I deeply appreciate his approachability and the wisdom God has given him. Robert is a faithful husband and father, and a true Christian, who lives a life of faith and integrity each day in his home life and in his professional life. I was honored when Robert agreed to take time from his busy schedule to write an article for ProverbWise, focusing on Men of Integrity in Business during this month of June.


Speak Up! Judge Fairly!

By Robert Bowman

All of us have experiences, all of us have influences, and all of us have incorporated them into how we live, and move, and have our being.   We are all unique, and yet we are so very much the same.     But why is it that some people seem to live lives of prosperity and others poverty?  Why is it that some people who are prosperous live lives of integrity and others as thieves, and the same for those in poverty?   What makes me, “me”, and what makes me who I am?


On the outside I am a husband, a father, and a lawyer.   I was raised in a working-class family and did working class jobs until a series of events, including having a sister who passed away when she was 18 (I was 20), steered me to college and from there on to law school.  I am the first from my family to graduate from college, let alone law school.    Until each happened, I never gave it much thought that I would one day be a husband, or father, and until I actually passed the bar exam, I never really thought I would be “a lawyer”….


But that is only “me” on the outside.


Through the circumstances I have experienced, the lessons I learned, and from the individuals who influenced and encouraged me along this journey we call life I also became a Christ-follower, and with that came a deep and abiding faith that God is good, Jesus is the only way to salvation, and that God’s Word is reliable which makes it my guide-book for life, faith, and practice.     I make every effort to wear the same hat whether I am at home, at church, with friends, or practicing law.    Frankly, it makes life easier, helps me to sleep at night, and helps me remember what I said the last time…..


One of those “guide-book instructions” comes from Proverbs 31:8 -9 which states – “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.  Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”


Having now been in the practice of law for almost 25 years, I could give hundreds of examples of those who cannot speak for themselves — battered wives, abandoned children, debtors exploited by creditors…, aliens legal and aliens illegal…..   We live in a world where the predators seem to find more and more inventive ways to exploit their prey ….    Over time, I have concluded that it is expensive to be destitute – opportunities are limited, prices are higher, interest rates are exorbitant, bullies are everywhere, police suddenly get amnesia, advocates are mostly out of reach……


….  and sometimes all that is needed is for someone to listen, someone to help cut through the red tape, someone to stand in the gap, someone just to “speak up” for someone who would otherwise be ignored.


I also have internalized the following warning that comes to those, particularly lawyers, who do not…..  “And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.”  Luke 11:46


Moreover, the writer of the Proverbs also compels all of us, lawyer or not, to  “…  be honest and to speak the truth,  so that you bring back truthful reports to those you serve.   Do not exploit the poor because they are poor and do not crush the needy in court, for the Lord will take up their case and will exact life for life.” Proverbs 22:21-23.



All of us have experiences…. all of us have influences…. We are all unique, and yet we are so very much the same….     What makes the difference?   The difference is in “who” you follow, and whether you thirst for wisdom, knowledge, and depth of insight in order to determine what is best.   It is whether you are loading people with burdens or helping them bear their burdens….    It is whether you stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves, or whether you crush the needy in court….


Do you want to be a person of integrity?  Do you want to be a person that matters?  Do you want to live a life that is rewarding?  Do you want to make a difference?   “Speak up”   “Judge fairly”  “Do not exploit”   “Seek wisdom, knowledge, and depth of insight”  “Be” a person of integrity….. and follow the teaching and example of the one who gave his life so you can live….    That, my friend, makes all the difference……


robert bowman

Robert Bowman with daughter Joy

Robert with daughter, Joy, at Disney

Robert Bowman has been married to his wife, Susan, since 1991. They have three children, and their family enjoys roller coasters, theme parks, missions trips, and travel. Robert trusted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior in 1974. He graduated from Cedarville College in 1988. He has served in many capacities in his church, Hope Chapel in Pine Hill, NJ, since 1991. He has been an elder, teacher, small group leader, District Executive Committee member of the CMA, and a volunteer church assessment team member of Metanoia Ministries of East Washington, New Hampshire.

Robert graduated from the University of Tennessee College of Law in 1991. From there, Robert served as a staff attorney from 1991-2000 and a managing attorney from 2000-2008 at South Jersey Legal Services. In 2008 Robert left public interest law to join Bryan Schroll to form the Law Offices of Schroll and Bowman.

Some of Robert’s Favorite Quotes:

If you know what is right, do it.

If you do not know what is right, do what is best.

If you do not know what is best, do the thing in front of you.

If there is nothing in front of you, wait (It is God’s will for you not to know).

In all things… keep reading and listening….
—- Jim VanYperen

“…. and when the great breaker crashes into his castle and his masterpiece is sucked into the sea, he smiles. He smiles, picks up his tools, takes his father’s hand, and goes home.” — Max Lucado, “Sand Castle Stories”

Will you guide me, when I can’t see…. Please Lord lead me, you’re all that I need….

I will lift my eyes to the maker of the mountains I can’t climb, I will live my eyes to the calmer of the ocean’s raging tide, I will lift my eyes to the healer….

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” — J.R.R. Tolkien

“LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure…”
Psalm 16: 5-9





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