Surprised by a God Moment in The Path!

It’s so easy to miss the “God moments”, especially when we are so very busy…doing stuff for God. Sometimes, God just wants to do something for us.

A lovely young lady with a warm, tender smile, smooth, flawless brown skin, and soft, gentle words stood diligently in her place at Register #4. I absentmindedly browsed the racks near the “Wait Here for Next Register” sign. I was brought back to reality when the speaker blared, “Next customer to register #1, please.” As I started walking toward register #1, located at the opposite end of the long line of checkout counters, the customer at register #4 stepped in front of me and proceeded toward register #1 motioning me to go to register #4, so I obediently complied. The lovely cashier had stepped away, and the other customer assured me she would be back in a minute and waved me on to register #4 , all while she was proceeding quickly down the aisle to register #1. I’m not sure why the lady felt the need to leave her place and go to a different register, unless she was in a hurry and thought she would get waited on faster, but it didn’t matter to me which checkout counter I went to, so I pulled my buggy over to Register #4 and began unloading my treasures.

I had carefully searched the shelves for some special items to fill a gift basket. Our Pastor’s Wives Leadership Team had contributed to give toward this gift, and I wanted to find just the right items to finish filling the large brown wicker basket. There was a decorative washcloth and autumn scented soap, some gourmet ginger candy, herbal tea, and a small glass bear-shaped jar of honey.

I was thrilled when I noticed a dainty coffee cup with a delicate floral design and the words of Scripture, “Trust in the Lord.” It was perfect! I handed the cup carefully to the checkout clerk, Monika, whose name was clearly displayed on her employee tag. Her demeanor exuded joy, even as she remarked, “That is a beautiful mug.” I distractedly said, “It sure is,” as I continued placing my items on the counter to ring up. I would have missed the God moment, except that the girl continued talking, words flowing from her heart. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” She continued as she unashamedly rejoiced in the truth of trusting in the Lord and the importance of allowing Him to direct our paths, even when we don’t understand the unexpected turns our lives take. Our ways are not always His ways. His plans are better than we can imagine.

“Wow!” I exclaimed, “It’s not often I hear something like this when I check out at a store. Yes, it is true, He is good and we need to trust Him, even in difficult times! These things are for a gift basket for a pastor’s wife friend of mine who is recovering from cancer surgery,” I went on. Monika responded, “I can tell you spent a lot of time choosing just the right things for her. What is your friend’s name?”   “Her name is Cecelia,” I said. Monika replied, “I will pray for her. I won’t forget because my middle name is Cecelia, too. I hope I see you again.”

I hope I see Monika Cecelia again, too. I’m sure I will. I can’t wait to tell my friend, Cecelia!

Thank You, Lord, for showing Yourself today through Your people. Thank You for reminding me to trust in You.



Thank You for making sure I didn’t miss this God moment!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” – For me today that path was at Register #4.

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