April 6, 2016 Proverb of the Day

“The Fear of the Lord” is a major theme that runs, not only through the Book of Proverbs, but throughout Scripture. The actual phrase appears approximately fifteen times in Proverbs, depending on the version of the Bible you are reading. In addition, you will find variations such as “fear the Lord” or “fears the Lord” occurring in Proverbs and other books of the Bible. The term occurs over 100 times, most of the time in the Old Testament, but at least five times in the New Testament. Obviously “the fear of the Lord” is a very important concept throughout the Bible. During the month of April we will intersperse verses regarding “the fear of the Lord” from Proverbs with other Scripture that addresses the same theme. Today’s verse is from the book of Psalms.

2016 Apr 6 How Blessed is everyone Psalm 128 1

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