In Honor of Praying Mothers by Kim Olachea

In Honor of Praying Mothers

“Commit your ways unto the Lord, and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:3

mom in prayerThis morning I am praying for mothers whose hearts are heavy because of a wayward son or daughter, and my heart grieves with you. No one on this earth understands better the burden you bear than another parent who has experienced the excruciating pain, overwhelming fear, debilitating self-doubt, helpless frustration, and unanswered question of “Why, God?”

If you are like me, when Mother’s Day comes around, you think about the privilege God has given you of being a mother. You remember the joy you experienced when that precious baby came into the world. You reflect on the exhausting years of infancy and toddlerhood but recall the joy of that first smile, first word, first tooth, and first step. You remember the hilarious antics and sweet cuddles and story time and bedtime prayers. And you wonder what happened to this child that you loved with all of your being? This one for whom you sacrificed and invested your life in. This one that you would give your life for them today, if they would just turn to Jesus.

You prayed for them and taught them to pray. You taught them about Jesus and helped them memorize God’s Word. You disciplined them and you cheered them on. You encouraged them to develop their talents and helped them with their homework. You paid for music lessons and sports and hosted birthday parties and sleepovers. You faithfully took your children to Sunday School and church. You drove them to youth group, sent them to camp, and helped them raise funds for mission trips. You did your best to be an example to them of how to live and how to love. You were faithful to the Lord and to your family. You loved this child completely, and you trusted the Lord that they would be saved and would grow up to love and serve the Lord Jesus.

And it hasn’t happened…yet. They are grown, and your hopes are shattered. Your dreams and plans and expectations have not come true. Your heart is breaking. You are angry. And you struggle with the question, “What did I do wrong? What did I do to cause them to walk away from all that I taught them?”

What are we to do when all our plans have not worked out? We worked so hard and our efforts seem to have failed. I know the feeling, because I am where you are. What are we to do now?

As I have struggled through the many emotions of anger, anxiety, fear, despondency, grief, frustration, denial, hurt, confusion, and disappointment, only ONE solution remains. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5) Recently a friend shared with me a little about her experience with a child who had walked away from God. For twenty years this child had gone her own way. This mom explained, as she lifted her hands, palms open to God, “Every day, you have to give them over to God.” She faithfully prayed for her girl, and finally this girl was coming back to God.

We can teach our children about God. We can tell them of Jesus’ love for them and His sacrifice on the cross. We can pray earnestly and faithfully for them, and we can love them. But we cannot change their hearts– that is in God’s hands. It is a hard lesson to learn, but we have no control. We cannot change our children any more than we can change the weather. We cannot fix our children’s lives any more than we can fix the problem of terrorism in this crazy, messed up world.

There is only ONE thing we can do. We can pray. We can pray without ceasing. We can pray in the name of Jesus. My five-year old grandson was singing this morning as he was getting dressed for the day, “There is power in the name of Jesus…There is power in the name of Jesus…There is power in the name of Jesus…” I joined him and together we sang, “There is power in the name of Jesus, to break every chain, break every chain, break every chain.” He said, “Grandma, when we get to that part we are supposed to sing it very loud.” This little boy had no idea of the heavy burden on my heart or that God was using him to remind me of WHO had the power to break the chain of sin in the life of my child.

Does Satan have a hold on your child? Keep praying in the name of Jesus, because HE alone has the power to break every chain of sin and every hold of Satan.

Faithful, praying mother, keep praying. Commit your ways to the Lord. Keep trusting Him, doing the next right thing, praying always, living by faith, pleasing God. All power and all authority belongs to Jesus, and HE is able to break the chains of sin and set our children free. Don’t give up. Don’t quit praying. Don’t quit trusting, “for He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we ask or think.” (Ephesians 3:20)

Faithful, praying mom, today we honor you as a woman of wisdom because of your faith. Your faith honors and pleases God. (Hebrews 11:6). He hears your prayer and He will reward those who diligently seek Him. Your walk of faith not only pleases God, your life inspires and encourages other moms, giving them hope. Thank you for being faithful. We honor you today and we pray for you that you will be strong and courageous in the battle for the soul of your child. (Ephesians 6:10-12) As you continue to “commit your ways to the Lord, He will establish your plans.” (Proverbs 16:3)


  1. Praying is not doing nothing. It is hard work that gets tiring. How often I feel like I pray the same things over and over and it grows wearisome. But every now and then I get a glimpse of God at work and He whispers “Do you trust me?” Trust Him not your own understanding and continue to pray, and repeat, repeat, repeat….

  2. Brenda Kammerer

    Oh Kim…. and Kathy… Your words are balm to my heart!!! I DO trust Him. And I DO pray and pray and pray… I know peace only because of that trust.

    I know that only God can do the ‘heart-work’ that will bring them back to Him. Selfishly, I would love to be blessed with the gift of seeing them seeking and serving Him. I want so badly to worship with them… But I trust Him.
    Thank-you for this encouragement! Praying for all our prodigals today!

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