Living By Faith in His Name – February 23, 2017

Living By Faith in His Name – The LORD Who Sanctifies (YHWH-m’kaddesh) – What does this mean??? (see below)

C.S. Lewis in his book, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, provides a great illustration of how God comes, and sometimes painfully, removes the scales of sin, cleansing us and sanctifying us. Unless we become set apart” from the things of this world – (not set apart in the sense that think of ourselves as “better” than others…but “set apart” in the sense that the world is not drawing us into her clutches of darkness. Instead God is drawing us into the Kingdom of His Dear Son, into light!) – and set apart to GOD, we will be useless as instruments for His glory in this life. Eternal sanctification occurs at salvation, but daily sanctification is a process. (White, Bill. C.S. Lewis Gives Picture of Sanctification. www.preachingtoday.comRetrieved from on February 19, 2017).

In Lewis’s story, Eustace becomes a dragon with layers of scales covering his body, because of thievery and greed. He does not even realize what is causing his excruciating pain. He doesn’t realize that the armband he desired more than anything and now wears is the very thing that is binding him. The Lion comes and helps Eustace to wash away the multiple layers of scales. The Lion rescues him and turns him back into who he really is: a boy!

YHWY-m’kaddesh, The LORD Who Sanctifies, will do the same for us! He washes us in the blood of the Lamb and makes us who we were meant to be!

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