Living By Faith in His Name – February 8, 2017

No, the wording is not a mistake. I understand (from my husband’s sermon this past week and from my personal study) that the word  “Heaven”  in the Greek, is plural, according to many commentators. It may have to do with the “levels” of heaven as understood by the Jewish people. Some say there are 3 levels, some 7, and some 12 levels of heaven. We can know this, that God is above all and yet always near. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and everlasting. For those who know Him, He is with us and in us. So as we go through our day, may we recognize His preeminence as the Great I AM, and His presence as our Everlasting Father who loves us unconditionally and completely. May we “Hallow” His Great Name, Living by faith (Romans 5:1-2) and in “the fear of the Lord” (Proverbs 1:7) today and forever!

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